

William Bernard Ullathorne: His Life and Legacy
William Bernard Ullathorne: His Life and Legacy

William Bernard Ullathorne (1806–1889) was a wise and humble man known for his devotion to the priests and nuns under his charge. Although he had a strong preference for monastic life, Ullathorne willingly served the church whenever he was called.

Angela Baker
Angela Baker
March 12, 2025
9 min
Discovering an Unpublished Manuscript on Newman in Munich: An Interview with Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz
Discovering an Unpublished Manuscript on Newman in Munich: An Interview with Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz

In 2004, German Catholic scholar Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz edited and published a posthumous edition of Ida Görres’ book on Newman, Der Geopferte: ein anderer Blick auf John Henry Newman, which Görres had originally written in the 1940s. In this interview, Jennifer Bryson asks Gerl-Falkovitz about the project and the knowledge gained in editing Görres' work. Bryson has published a new English translation of the book entitled John Henry Newman: A Life Sacrificed.

Black Catholicism in The Reconstruction Era South:  Economic Deficiencies and Social Variance Throughout Cardinal Herbert Vaughan’s 1872 Travel Journal
Cotesbach 1824: Seeds of the Oxford Movement
Cotesbach 1824: Seeds of the Oxford Movement

On the last Sunday of June in 1824, the sermon preached by Rev. Robert Marriott (1774–1841) in the tiny medieval Church of St. Mary’s, Cotesbach was on Genesis 2:3, on the sanctity of the Sabbath. Unless he had a curate working for him he would then have hopped in his carriage to preach in the nearby parishes of Shawell and Gilmorton, where he also had the living, and pastoral responsibilities. The sermon preached at these two parishes was also about creativity, but from a different angle.

Charles Newman: The "Black Sheep" of the Newman Family
Rethinking Newman's Influence: The Female Sources
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