Despite their differences, and although Newman and Browning never met, they shared similar life experiences, and literary techniques, and both were concerned with the justification of Christianity, as well as the struggle between faith and doubt.
Despite their differences, and although Newman and Browning never met, they shared similar life experiences, and literary techniques, and both were concerned with the justification of Christianity, as well as the struggle between faith and doubt.
Newman’s influence is not relegated to the English-speaking world only; rather, it can be seen in the Spanish-speaking world as well.
Lingard remarked upon Newman’s career several times in his correspondence, usually with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.
As an archivist, I was incredibly excited by the platform and conceptualization of access that NINS was creating, showing a forward-thinking vision that was almost unheard of at the time.
The book Telling Stories that Matter: Memoirs & Essays is comprised of O’Connell’s late-in-life memoirs of how he became interested in the academic study of history, as well as some of his shorter essays and book reviews.
Just last month, on February 20th, Pope Francis declared that the nineteenth-century Passionist priest, Fr. Ignatius Spencer, would be known as the Venerable Ignatius Spencer.