
Published by Author

Angela Baker

Angela Baker

Angela Baker is a fourth-year Psychology student at the University of Pittsburgh with a focus on the intersections of psychology and law. She was an intern at the National Institute for Newman Studies (NINS) during the summer of 2024, and now serves as the Digital Humanities and Editorial Specialist at NINS.

Psycholinguistics and Paleography: Analyzing Letters from Ullathorne to Newman
Psycholinguistics and Paleography: Analyzing Letters from Ullathorne to Newman

There are currently 252 digital items in the NINS Digital Collections that are labelled as the Ullathorne to Newman letters. These letters offer insight into the relationship between Newman and Ullathorne, church politics, and their personal affairs. They also serve as an accessible introduction to paleography and writings of the 1800s. If you are interested in paleography, I recommend you study these letters or consult similar works in the NINS Digital Collections.

Angela Baker
Angela Baker
August 08, 2024
5 min
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National Institute for Newman Studies

