
Published by Author

Steven D. Aguzzi

Steven D. Aguzzi

Adjunct Professor, Duquesne University

Dr. Aguzzi’s primary research interests are in the field of comparative theology and interreligious dialogue. Specifically, Aguzzi has done extensive research on the question of “supersessionism,” i.e., whether the Church has replaced Israel in God’s dealings with humanity, and specifically in salvation history. Dr. Aguzzi has explored the fields of eschatology and ecclesiology to find various solutions to the strained relationships between Christians and Jews. Aguzzi’s studies have focused extensively on Post Vatican II calls within the Roman Catholic tradition to forge a new dialogue and way forward regarding both Jewish and Christian eschatological claims. He earned his M.Div from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ, and his Ph.D. from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Aguzzi has a book forthcoming on the topic of supersessionism, which will be published by Ashgate Publishing Company.

Newman, Lent, and Popular Culture?
Newman Today
Newman, Lent, and Popular Culture?

One of the great challenges in Newman scholarship today has to do with making Newman's work more applicable for members of the younger generations, many of whom have never been exposed to his thought and writings.

Steven D. Aguzzi
Steven D. Aguzzi
April 03, 2019
7 min
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